Wednesday, 26 December 2012
2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
I would say since 2010, I have experienced many suffering. 2011, 2012 totally not my year. Sigh. Still got few days to go before 2012 ends. Hope 2013 can really treat me well, I really need some relax and comfortable life. But in fact, I still need to busy with my works in 2013. What to do? I need to compensate all the expenses used during the vacation. After that, I need to continue my tertiary education in uni. Which uni to choose? Which course? What is the minimum requirement? Gosh, I need to figure up one by one before the result discloses. Seriously, I want to left here and go to a new environment. No other reason, just wanna try something new. Hoo! I won't forget secondary school's friends although I have seldom contact with you guys. Cuz my social skill getting worst, social network getting smaller Hahaha! Never mind, I believe someday we will meet again and chit-chat like old friends. Friends no need to be your side every single time but remember you all the time. Last but not least, Thanks to those who help me throughout these three years. =D
Monday, 19 November 2012
Few days ago, "vacation" this word suddenly ran through my mind as I was thinking what would the life be after my exam. One of the choice is travelling! But this time am going to travel by myself not accompany by anyone else because i wanna try the difference. Although it sounds scary and insecure, I still wanna try it out. Wow! A big challenge. Firstly, am going to travel in Malaysia maybe west Malaysia as I'm not wish to spend much because I maybe have to go to England to visit my aunt in may. At first, she invited me to her country to experience the different lifestyle, people and surrounding so that I have a "warm up" period if I can study there. Then I was like "haaaa", I admit that I have homesick and not willing to interact with foreigners. I dunno what's the reason although there is no problem in communication. Maybe I'm not good in socialising. Hehe back to the topic, the place of interest I want to visit the most is Georgetown- an old city with different type of building. And the predominant reason is all about the food! It is known as the heaven of food just like Taiwan. I can't resist the temptation of nice and delicious cuisine. haha especially penang char Kueh tiaw, Penang hae mee, satay, lok lok, pork mee, white coffee, ice, and many more! Isn't it tempts you? But yaaa..it attracts me to go there. I love the beach there too because it has beautiful sunrise, sunset, scenario, in addition it is clean! I think I still have to do much more homework to search for the accommodation, the transport, place of interest, air ticket! Phewww! Before the vacation, It's a burden I would say, but after that it's all about enjoying! Yoohoo! Next stop is Melaka- historical place. Actually only one thing is well known in Melaka which is Kota A Famosa. Then maybe I can sit beside the river and read my own book. Next station is KL, nothing new, and everyone is familiar with it. And the reason I go there is shopping! Haha..going to buy a lot of shirts, trousers, shoes because I have lost my weight and all the old clothes seem to be big and "wide" to me now. XD ok. That's my plan now. Hope my parents would allow me to do so. Bye!
Sunday, 30 September 2012
以前的我,总不觉得自己很难看(还真的有点自恋 哈哈) 也不知道受到什么刺激,就决定要减肥,每个人都在问我为什么要减肥,都在调侃我是不是为了找女朋友,其实只是要看看瘦下来的我会不会比较好看一点 哈哈 这个理由有一点无聊和好笑,也顺便照顾自己的健康,不要这样年轻就得什么病之类的,还有要证明给一个人看我是可以瘦下来的😊 要减肥的,可以问问我有什么方法吧,中学之后就漩起了减肥风,veron也在减肥,我看只有Roy and Ben Sim在努力变大只吧 哈哈其实自己还不满意现在的成绩,目标是65kg哈哈 不知道会不会达到 自己还有3个月的时间 加油吧!💪💪💪
瘦下来的感觉很好,觉得自己变年轻了还有也变得强壮了 哈哈 新年的时候还可以买得到衣服 更强的是还有奖金拿,心里是不是有疑问?是这样的,在英国的二姨为了鼓励我,说好减10kg就有一千块,这样我不是有三千了?哈哈哈😄😄
以前的我,总不觉得自己很难看(还真的有点自恋 哈哈) 也不知道受到什么刺激,就决定要减肥,每个人都在问我为什么要减肥,都在调侃我是不是为了找女朋友,其实只是要看看瘦下来的我会不会比较好看一点 哈哈 这个理由有一点无聊和好笑,也顺便照顾自己的健康,不要这样年轻就得什么病之类的,还有要证明给一个人看我是可以瘦下来的😊 要减肥的,可以问问我有什么方法吧,中学之后就漩起了减肥风,veron也在减肥,我看只有Roy and Ben Sim在努力变大只吧 哈哈其实自己还不满意现在的成绩,目标是65kg哈哈 不知道会不会达到 自己还有3个月的时间 加油吧!💪💪💪
瘦下来的感觉很好,觉得自己变年轻了还有也变得强壮了 哈哈 新年的时候还可以买得到衣服 更强的是还有奖金拿,心里是不是有疑问?是这样的,在英国的二姨为了鼓励我,说好减10kg就有一千块,这样我不是有三千了?哈哈哈😄😄
Friday, 20 July 2012
Saturday, 16 June 2012
Uniqueness sounds like something good or special for everyone..but I would say, it shows negative for me..because I usually define negative matter in such a more polite way..haha..=)
Why you are such unique until I can't endure your attitude, words, actions and all the things you did? Probably you are just did it intentionally? Or you just treat your BFF nice? Indeed, you do not care the feelings of others..you like to critic other people in public and yet still act like nothing is happening..still smile to that person you critic..goshhh! Nice act yeah! Why don't you just say it out so that they can change it if it's really something bad? And I really feel awkward because you arent that perfect too..you arent pretty or handsome, you arent good neither in academic performance nor curricular activities..everyone does make their mistakes in life and everyone isn't perfect since they were born..and we are learning all the way through of life..actually I can ignore your despite towards others..but this is not the first time I heard from you..and I can't withstand your behaviour, no matter is your words or action..no matter "enormous" of people backstab you and not willing to deal with you..please don't discriminate others just because you think it's funny..people are live for themselves, not you..what gives you the right to critic them?
Although I'm not meet you frequently, and I also wish that I would not meet you anywhere and anytime, hope that you can see the good instead of bad, praise instead of discriminate..good luck!
Why you are such unique until I can't endure your attitude, words, actions and all the things you did? Probably you are just did it intentionally? Or you just treat your BFF nice? Indeed, you do not care the feelings of others..you like to critic other people in public and yet still act like nothing is happening..still smile to that person you critic..goshhh! Nice act yeah! Why don't you just say it out so that they can change it if it's really something bad? And I really feel awkward because you arent that perfect too..you arent pretty or handsome, you arent good neither in academic performance nor curricular activities..everyone does make their mistakes in life and everyone isn't perfect since they were born..and we are learning all the way through of life..actually I can ignore your despite towards others..but this is not the first time I heard from you..and I can't withstand your behaviour, no matter is your words or action..no matter "enormous" of people backstab you and not willing to deal with you..please don't discriminate others just because you think it's funny..people are live for themselves, not you..what gives you the right to critic them?
Although I'm not meet you frequently, and I also wish that I would not meet you anywhere and anytime, hope that you can see the good instead of bad, praise instead of discriminate..good luck!
Monday, 4 June 2012
Tuesday, 21 February 2012
突然想写东西,于是就上来了..二月算是我的低潮期吧..心里很郁闷,想说但又说不出口,也不好对别人说,以免又"中招"..发生了什么事呢?其实我也不是很清楚..只是知道我们又像小孩子一样无理取闹了..也许是心里敏感了..其实发现双方也没有什么错..言论是自由的..如果接受不了,就直接过滤、忘记它,可是有一部分的人就会耿耿于怀,而且还用放大镜看待这一件事,我心想:你是没有被人讲过?当初有人当面给你两巴掌,你还不是不吭一声?还是你无法接受现实与批评?当天辩论的主题是:前途与钱途..于是我们就发表自己的意见,最后意见不和而且还产生了矛盾..我是很平淡看待这件事..每个人都有不同的看法,意见分歧是自然的事..接着呢..就有status出现啦..这根本在我预料以内,根本无需理会,因为说的都不是事实..只好一笑而过..事情还没结束呢!某某人当然是先下手为强啦,拉拢自己的人,还搞排挤呢..在别人的背后说坏话的招术一一呈现出来..那时心里也没有很好受,但嘴巴是长在别人脸上,你能阻止吗?但我觉得只要做好自己的本份,那就好了..关于朋友呢?也看开了,会相信你的人终究还是会相信你、不相信你的人,不管你作再多的解释,他们也不会相信你..又何必到处告诉别人你是无辜的..但我还是有尽到朋友的本份啦..不想有人被遗忘..因为手心手背都是肉嘛..这个是我之前不会的哦..人生都是在学习,如果你永远是对的,又何必经历生老病死呢?说真的,心里也有一点不爽啦,但事情还是会过的..金牛座的人很倔强的,抗压力也非常强,一定不会表现懦弱的一面..这个月的压力也非常大,主要是因为考试要到了,又给自己设下了门槛,还有那压到我无法喘气的功课,发现功课真的是做不完的,只好尽力去做..还有值得一提的是我的数学老师..为什么说到她呢?因为我发现她是一位十分尽责、又会教的老师,她从不迟到,她只有早到的份,早到如果不能进班,她就会闭目养神,好像在准备下一堂课,她从不让我睡着,而且她不会像其他老师一样逼我们做功课,假如发现我们没做功课,她就会苦口婆心劝我们做功课,甚至还求我们做,这样的老师哪里找?上个星期,我们班收到她为我们做的书签,上面还有自己的名字还有一些激励的话,顿时觉得非常感动,然后开玩笑说:"这次惨了!没有理由不要做功课了!哈哈"她的用心我体会得到,为了不让她失望,我都尽量完成她给的功课..有一个老师能让像我一样固执的人心甘情愿完成她的功课,真是不简单..心里也非常佩服她..她就是Miss Sim Bee Yong..好了,用书写的方式代替言语也是舒解的一种方式..心里郁闷的感觉慢慢地消失了..永远不要向失败低头,低头的话怎样欣赏美丽的彩虹?好吧,就此停笔。
Friday, 27 January 2012
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