Saturday, 4 January 2014

Year End Trip - THAILAND

Wooyoooooo! What I did every year is travelling either locally or internationally. This time, the destination is Thailand instead of Taiwan again because Thailand is much cheaper to travel to. It's so upset as I still wanna go to Taiwan larh >< haha nvm~ Thailand is good as well. This journey begins with Chiangmai then pai continued with sukothai and da cheng finally Bangkok! What I think of Thailand is not about prostitute or shemale what, I'm thinking all about shirts, trousers, pants, foods and of course the culture. Spicy, sweet and sour food, cheap and pretty goods, unique cultural background! Isn't it attracting and tempting you? Of course we should pay a visit to Thailand once in a life. I'm going to turn into a backpacker again with my uni friends haha walking along the street in Thailand with only a map in my hand. So cool~ But I doubt their ability to walking the whole day under the hot sun.  I have been searching all the place of interests, hotels and transportation. One more thing to go is booking the cheap air tickets. Then everything is almost done! Feeling excited and wanna let out my stress during this journey. Study hard, work hard and play hard! Jom my uni frens!  

*prepare an umbrella before it rains* 


I'm writing this maybe caused by the moody weather. At this moment, It is raining siliently outside which I can clearly hear the rain drops bombarded the roof. Few days ago, i finally had the chance met my ex high school classmates especially don and fei rou. Just kidding, veron. I were like oh ya! Finally can had a meet up before veron heading to Singapore cuz we were not meeting up for almost one year. Good luck and all the best in Singapore veron! Don't spend too much! Haha..still got Kiam and bian..I would say old friends again especially Kiam haha! I was wondering where is Vincent Toh been this few months..wahh..really din give face to fei rou maybe u got ur reason la hahaha Daniel Wong Michelle Lee and Jun are not in Kuching, still busying with their studies and works so they unable to join us..really miss those funny and crazy moment in high school during the flashback just now..still got my badminton partners and form 6 classmates..unable to meet them as they are having final u guys during CNY! Cheers! 

Friday, 27 December 2013

Abandon and Appreciate

This few days I have been watching 'bu bu jing xin' and found an interesting phrase--'Abondon the past, appreciate the present-day'. I grasped the meaning of this phrase and would not be persistence on things which had rigid conclusion. Sometimes we need to abort something then just we can accept something new or different. Earth still rotating. Cheers. 

Thursday, 26 December 2013


Merry Christmas! Another Christmas has passed again. Actually this year I gonna spend my time in KL, but due to loneliness and boring-ness, I decided to back to my hometown for Christmas although there is no Christmas circumference compared to KL. I back on the 23rd and I have the chance to celebrate this special day with my beloved family. Hehehe Ohh! Nearly forget, I received a Christmas present without my knowledge from miss Loh who is my colleague in KL. Sorry for not exchange gift with you as I'm not prepared and that day was my last day staying at KL. See you and for sure there's still chance next year! 

Friday, 11 October 2013


嗨嗨!我回来了!很久很久没写东东了,所以这次选择写一些大学的东西。告诉你们,我终于是一个大学生了!哈哈!其实六月的时候我已经是大学生了, 但是好像我跟很少人说,只有几个朋友知道,对不起啦。我的大学是在KL,是的,很忙的城市,其实刚开始的时候很兴奋,但是又有一点担心,毕竟来到一个完全不熟的地方,什么都不会,捷运又不知道怎样搭,幸好在飞机上遇到了同乡的朋友,不然真的不知怎样是好,贵人相助!大学每间都差不多,但是我这间看起来很小一下,小还不是问题,问题是有几个老师都不会教书,既然还会被请,真是的!害我们全部的成绩都不好,要自修。只好安慰自己说大学不像小学,什么都解释给你听。*还蛮难接受的 哈哈* 还有好像我这间都很少女孩子,更别说美女了啦,遗憾!刚进去当然是要认识一些朋友,其实他们还蛮好的 很幸运 哈哈 每个人都很善良 每次我遇到什么困难的时候 他们都会帮我。 来到这里,生活起居都要自己一个人承担了,洗衣服,扫地,还有煮东西。三餐都要自己料理,幸好平时有偷师一下,不然就要吃外面的伙食了。好啦,就此停笔。下次见!

Saturday, 4 May 2013

属于自己华丽的冒险 第一页

这次的旅行地点就是台湾啦,是不是很想去?是不是?哈哈,一开始我也是很兴奋的,因为不需要顾虑语言上的问题,还有最期待的就是它的美食!我觉得我应该会肥回来,果然没错,体重上升了,皮肤也变差了,因为那里的天气真是太干燥了,又冷,穿了两件外套还会发抖,台北最冷了,高雄反而像古晋的天气,有点热,但是还是凉爽的。好啦,这次的旅行也没有告诉很多人,因为上一次我出国时,弄到一位好朋友很不开心,现在不知道他还会不会记得,毕竟他也在学院了,有了自己的朋友 哈哈

出游的日期真的太靠近成绩公布的时间,害我一直担心我拿不到成绩 或是我会逾期申请某某大学/学院 真是担心!还好捏了一把冷汗,成绩在我回来后的三天才公布 哈哈哈 出国最重要的当然是行李啦 我是前一天才整理的,因为真的想不到要整理什么 只有最后一天才有紧张嘛 我的行程是这样的:古晋-沙巴-台湾-沙巴-古晋 所以代表我要在KK逗留一晚,那边最出名的是什么 当然是海鲜啦 因为靠海嘛 晚餐点了非常多 吃了非常爽 价格又比古晋便宜很多!那边有很多我没看过的海鲜 全部都活生生的 接着隔天就一早飞台湾了。

第一天--去台湾的时间差不多要4个小时,还好我全程都在睡觉 不然一定很闷!不知不觉就到了,外边全部都是雾 看不太清楚 但感觉非常冷 果然没错 真的只有冷能形容他的天气 那个风会吹进你的骨子里的冷,桃园机场很大也很先进 然后就坐高铁去到高雄 因为这次的行程是游半岛,就是从南部玩到北部,所以我们先南下,然后再北上,坐了两个小时的高铁,到达了高雄,高雄比较热 也不需要外套了 我们办好了入住 就往梦时代前进了 那里是血拼的好地方 地方没有spring大,但是美食区是整个一楼,看到我都不知道选什么好吃的 最后选了日本餐 很大的份量 那边的份量是古晋的两倍吧 但是他们人有那么瘦 真是百思不得其解 我没买到什么 接着就回酒店休息 真的是累坏了 到了晚上就直奔六合夜市 人山人海!真是胸贴着人家的背走啊!试了很多美食 有担仔面、大肠包小肠、肉圆、香肠、木瓜牛奶、草莓、烤鱿鱼、海鲜粥、臭豆腐等等 那个臭豆腐真是让我不敢恭维 臭到像厕所没洗的味道 有一点想吐 接着又跑回梦时代看夜景,而且是用摩天轮哦!那个夜景真是漂亮 可以俯瞰整个高雄市(高雄市是第二大的城市)可想而知他的夜景是多么壮观 哈哈 然后10.30PM就回酒店了 为什么那么早?因为房间里有wii 哈哈 玩到很晚才入睡。

Saturday, 16 March 2013


喜欢在半夜的时候写部落格,最近才发现没有写关于到新年的,觉得有点奇怪,所以就写了。除夕夜,就吃团圆饭,今年也是在自己家吃,跟去年不一样的是,不再在外婆家吃了,因为妈妈说,大嫂嫁进来了,所以不好意思去外婆家了,说得也对!哈哈 今年的年菜饱到吃不下了,一共十道菜!吃完团圆饭后就看娱兴节目,接着就是放炮咯! 一共放了五条!外边真是看不见,满天空都是钱啊!哈哈 古晋人还蛮有钱的咯..今年的新年比较没有气氛啊..

初一,习惯的就去了外婆家,我最高兴了,因为全部的长辈都会聚集在外婆家,也意味着红包也跟着来哈哈哈,但是今年我表姐不知道是不是生了孩子记性变差,竟然忘记给我红包!我也不好意思去跟她拿啊,算了啦!哈哈 今年最大的红包竟然是外人给我的--我的干爸,谢谢你..虽然不能亲自跟你道谢..然后亲戚们就开桌了,今年的运气不是很好,总而来说只赢了几十块..初二初三初四都是去亲戚家拜年,每一家的食物都差不多,所以今年没有肥到 哈哈哈

初五朋友来了我的家之后就去ruby家了,也是赌博,初六我去朋友家拜年后,就去同事的家了,也是赌博,不然就是吃,吃,吃!晚上去了caleb的家拜年,还不知道他有了个韩国女朋友!初七,melody小姐来我家之后就去载阿毛毛虫,然后吃了午餐又直奔ruby家开赌,今年的新年如果没有赌博更没有新年气氛咯 哈哈

接下来的一个星期就去做工了,每天都有口福,学生每个都拿年货孝敬老师 哈哈哈 还有新年不可以打人,但我还是打了,我这个老师真是太善良了,有时想发他们脾气,他们又乖了 哈哈 同事也一个一个回来了 全部都有带手信回来喔 太好了! 好了啦,要睡了,就此停笔。